Wednesday the 30th
Do you want to quickly and easily…
Gain Massive Exposure?
Have Us Promote Your ViralURL Affiliate Link?
Win Fast Cash For The New Year?
If you answered yes, then check this out… It is free and fast to do. We created a new homepage which benefits you in a few ways, firstly it should increase conversions (we will start split testing this soon) which means if you are telling people about ViralURL, more will join, so that is more money and a bigger downline for you! The second way is it increases our member base which means more people seeing your emails, and also more chances to earn credits! Now to the good stuff:
We Are Having a Video Contest…
You have a chance to win $250 first place, $150 second and $100 third place for simply making a video testimonial or video case study about ViralURL. Not only will the best 3 be picked and awarded cash, but all good videos will be used on our new homepage! This means massive exposure for you in branding and ‘expert’ status. ๐
That’s not all though. We will take your Video and your ViralURL affiliate link and let your staff share it for you on all the main video and bookmarking sites for you! That means you will have a chance to get more signups and earn more money! Yes, we do all the work, you just provide the video. So here is what to do:
1. If you don’t have this already, get a free video recording software like e.g. CamStudio (PC) or Screenflow (Mac) or simply a web-cam or digital video camera.
2. Make a video about why you love ViralURL. Do a case study with numbers and results if you want. The video should be between 30 seconds and max. 3 minutes long.
3. Upload it to (for best HD quality, upload in 1280×720 resolution)
4. Paste the link to the video and your affiliate link for ViralURL into the comments and Boom! You’re Done! ๐
It is as simple as that to get 3 amazing benefits… looking forward to seeing your videos!
Also… if you are not submitting a video yourself, vote in the comments below which video you like to see as #1, #2 & #3. If you are the first person to vote for one of the actual winners in the right position, you win $50 yourself for each correct position! ๐
The contest starts right now and ends as soon as the first 10 videos have been submitted.
Here Are Some Video Testimonial Content Tips…
* Most important… only provide genuine, real information in your video! The FTC will thank us! ๐
* Please remember that the best testimonials have real number and results in them… but contrary to popular believe, it’s NOT the size that matters here. ๐ We won’t select the winner based on their numbers or results, but based on the overall look & feel of their video.
* Here is an example script for your video… “Hi, my name is NAME, I am from LOCATION and I joined ViralURL in MONTH, YEAR as a MEMBERSHIP LEVEL member. What I like best about ViralURL is REASON. The results I achieved with ViralURL so far are RESULTS. I did this by METHOD USED.”
* You can use video footage of yourself, screencam video footage or screenshots… you decide how to make it the most interesting for the viewer.
* Todd Gross’s video testimonial on our new homepage is an excellent example for a great video.
BTW, we would like to wish all of our members this way also a…
Posted in Contest, ViralURL Site Update | 18 Comments »
Thursday the 17th
ViralURL and ViralHosts are two different products but have several similar features. If you can’t make the difference between the two, here is your chance to catch up and figure out what comes with what!
ViralUrl has been around for more than 2 years now and ViralHosts for almost 4 months. Still, too many don’t know the main difference between the two. These two products are different but share several similar features.
ViralURL is a link cloaker with a built-in list builder and mailer and a system mailer. It is ideal for internet marketers and alike. It offers a great way to protect and track affiliate links but also some powerful traffic and lead generation tools.
On the other hand, ViralHosts is a marketer-friendly web hosting system with most of ViralUrl’s traffic and lead generation features. It also has a built-in list builder and mailer, a system mailer and various traffic generation tools.
For those who don’t know what the system mailer is, here is a short introduction. The system mailer comes with ViralURL’s and ViralHosts’ Gold (or higher) memberships. With this feature, you get to email 3,000 to 6,000 random members (depending on your membership level) every 3 days. That’s 30,000 to 60,000 emails sent every month to a targeted audience of internet marketers, network marketers and home business owners.
So the main difference resides in the primary function: ViralURL is originally a link cloaker and ViralHosts a web hosting system. However, for a lot of users the primary function is the system mailer with which you can generate 100s of leads every week. The conversion rates reported by users of both systems are fairly similar. ViralURL’s best performers often have several accounts and now many of them use both ViralURL and ViralHosts to cloak their links, host their blog and generate leads.
ViralHosts is NOT an upgrade of ViralURL. ViralURL’s database isn’t related in any way to ViralHosts’ database. These are two separate databases. Emails sent by ViralURL members aren’t distributed to ViralHosts members, and emails sent by ViralHosts members aren’t distributed to ViralURL members.
Video: ViralURL vs. ViralHosts
If you’re still a little confused, here is a 4-minute video by technology enthusiast Patric Welch. Patric uses both ViralURL and ViralHosts and explains the difference between the two from a user point of view:
In terms of value, ViralURL and ViralHosts are very close. However, ViralURL has a database of approximately 61,000 active members while ViralHosts ‘only’ has 10,000 active members at the moment.
Like Patric says in the video, there is a much greater pool of people to send to or trying to get traffic form on ViralURL at the moment but ViralHosts is growing fast. ViralHosts’ member base is considered as ‘fresher’ than ViralURL’s and its cPanel-based hosting section gives it some extra value.
Quick overview
> Here are ViralURL‘s main features:
– Link cloaker (to protect and track your affiliate links)
– Downline builder and mailer (your list almost builds itself)
– System mailer (very powerful lead generation tool)
– Traffic generation tools (text and banner ads, guaranteed visits, etc.)
> ViralHosts‘ main features:
– cPanel-based hosting (with Fantastico, RV SiteBuilder, etc.)
– Downline builder and mailer (your list almost builds itself)
– System mailer (very powerful lead generation tool)
– Traffic generation tools (text and banner ads, guaranteed visits, etc.)
Both systems have a high commission structure and a wide range of promotional tools that will help you build your list and make your first commission in no time. If you haven’t joined ViralURL and ViralHosts yet, make sure you act fast as you’re missing out on hundreds potential leads every single month!
If you have any questions or simply would like to know more, feel free to comment this blog post or submit a ticket to (for ViralURL) or (for ViralHosts).
To your success,
Posted in Case Study, Video, ViralHosts | Leave Comment »
Friday the 11th
If you haven’t already checked out “Advertise Free For Life” from our fellow Aussie mate Walter Bayliss, you should do so now as it helps you build your business online by giving you what we all need the most… leveraging the ways we advertise as well as additional ways to advertise!
You benefit from this site in your promotion of any program or web page. Just set up your links before you do your usual blasting out – and every click you get rewards you with Bonus Advertising.
It is a simple, yet effective concept. You also get an instant access to a mailing list.
To sum it all up in a few simple words…
As a free member of you leverage your existing promotional efforts with an unlimited number of links that you advertise by running them through this system and this way you gain additional ad exposure with every click on your links.
Also, as a free member you gain instant access to a mailing list of at least 200 that you can email every 7 days. These 200 are your (if you have any) plus up to 200 randomly selected “Advertise Free For Life” members.
BTW… as a Platinum member you get instant access to 500 members every 5 days, as a Diamond you get 1,000 members every 5 days and as an Elite you get a 3,000 members every 3 days.
Another helpful feature of “Advertise Free For Life” is that you can build your downline simply by using the links to advertise. Of course a direct promotion of “Advertise Free For Life” can build your downline even faster, but it’s your choice… you can simply leverage your advertising and that way build your downline at the same time.
Even though you can join free, the main reasons that we recommend to take advantage of the Diamond One Time Offer are simple. You blow your ability to earn free advertising through the roof by now earning that bonus on multiple levels within your referrals. Plus you get over $2,000 of worth of top quality advertising from some of the biggest sites online (including ViralURL & ViralHosts!).
And, as if that wasn’t reason enough… as mentioned before, your mailing list immediately increases to 1,000. That has very good value for your promotions.
Again, to sum it all up in a few simple words…
By taking advantage of their Diamond one-time offer you earn advertising credits also on your downline clicks on 4 levels deep and Elite gets down to 5 levels.
Plus you get bonus advertising credits from other sites valued at US $2,000.
Click here to Advertise Free For Life today!
To your success,
Posted in Product Reviews | 2 Comments »
Friday the 11th
In this quick video I share in detail how to take advantage of the time saving feature of Traffic Zipper that will save you tons of time in your online marketing efforts…
Click here to take advantage of TrafficZipper as well!
To your success,
Posted in Product Reviews, Video | 4 Comments »
Thursday the 26th
If you are not yet a member of ViralHosts,
Please Click Here and Join Free!
A few weeks ago our head Server Technician Tycho switched ViralHosts’ hosting panel to cPanel. We’re really glad we made this move as we got a lot of positive feedback these last few weeks. Now we want to help you get started with it by (1) setting up your hosting, (2) creating your site and (3) uploading it via an FTP client.
First, log into ViralHosts (or register if you haven’t joined yet), hover the Hosting Section button and click ‘Log Into cPanel’. This will direct you to your cPanel. You don’t need any username or password to log into your cPanel.
Step 1: Setting up your hosting
The very first step should be to set up an FTP account. In cPanel, under ‘Files’, click the ‘FTP Accounts’ button.
Enter the login and password of your choice, enter your password again and leave the other fields as they are, unless you want to specify a directory the user can access or determine a quota. If you aren’t too sure what this is all about, leave the ‘Directory’ field as blank and the ‘Quota’ fields as unlimited.
Once this is done, you should set up your domain name. You can choose to use your own domain name (check out NameCheap if you don’t have one yet, or any other domain registrar) or pick a ViralHosts subdomain. In cPanel, click the ‘Addon Domains’ button, enter the domain name you’ve purchased, your FTP username and password, and your password again.
Very important: you need to get your domain name registrar to point the domain name to our servers:
Your domain name may take a few hours to be set up. You just need to be a little patient.
To add a subdomain the process is simpler. In cPanel, click the ‘Subdomain’ button. Enter the subdomain name of your choice and the directory you want your site to be located, unless your site is located in the root folder.
Step 2: Creating your site
If you’re a free member, you don’t have access to any of our site builders, but you can of course build yourself a page or site and upload it via an FTP client. There are lots of different site builders that you can use:
– Microsoft FrontPage is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) HTML editor included in most versions of Microsoft Office. We only recommend you to use FrontPage if you have a good knowledge of HTML.
– Adobe Dreamweaver is another WYSIWYG HTML editor but can also be used as an FTP client. Like for FrontPage, you need to have some knowledge of HTML.
– XSite Pro is a website design software that helps you build a site even if you don’t know much about HTML. We’ve used this site builder in the past and strongly recommend it to you.
There are lots of different, good and bad site builders on the web. You can browse around, purchase one and use it… or simply get your hands on a ViralHosts Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond or Elite Membership and get access to RV Site Builder and SiteReptile Website Builder, two of the web’s most popular sites builders. As a reminder, the Silver Membership is at only $17 a month, and the Gold Membership even less if you take advantage of the one-time offer! Head to the ‘Upgrade Section’ inside the member area for more information.
Step 3: Uploading your site
Once your site is created, you can upload it via the FTP client of your choice: FileZilla, SmartFTP or any other FTP client you like. Let’s do this with FileZilla. Once you’ve launched the program, you need to fill in the 3 top following fields as follow:
– Host: [your_account_name]
– Username: [your_ftp_login]@[your_account_name]
– Password: [your_ftp_password]
You should leave the ‘Port’ field blank unless you experience some issues. In that case you may contact our support team. Then click the ‘Quickconnect’ button.
‘Local site’ on the left is your computer side, and ‘Remote site’ on the right your web hosting side. You simply need to select the files (or folder, if you want your site to be in a specific directory) and drag them from the left side to the right side. The bottom section will show you the files being transferred. This is a fairly delicate process so make sure you take your time to properly upload your files.
Once the transfer is complete, you may visit your site at the domain or subdomain you previously set up.
If you experience any issue, please contact our support team at Reply2Colin. If you’re a beginner, make sure you carefully go through these steps… and remember that Albert Einstein said: “You never fail until you stop trying.”
To your success,
Posted in ViralHosts Tutorial | Leave Comment »
Saturday the 7th

A few days ago we asked some of our most active ViralHosts members why they find the system so valuable. It’s always good to know what actual members think of its strengths and benefits. For those who don’t know what ViralHosts is, we define it as an all-in-one web hosting, traffic generation, list building and mailing system targeted at internet marketers and alike. Here is a compilation of the answers we got:
1 ) ViralHosts is free to join. Even if the real value of the system is in the upgraded memberships, being able to try the system before you purchase is definitely a plus. Even if you miss out on the one-time offer, you can upgrade very easily inside the member area. All memberships are great value.
2 ) ViralHosts provides marketer-friendly, reliable web hosting to anyone who joins. Hosting is a highly important, tangible requirement to anyone’s online success. If you want to be successful on the web, you must have a website. This is non-negotiable! Do you know any internet marketer who hasn’t got a website or a blog?
3 ) The hosting section is based on cPanel, which is one of the most popular hosting panels in the world. The support is great and as an upgraded member you also have access to an auto-installer system for WordPress and lots of other scripts as well as not one but two website builders with more than 900 templates. With ViralHosts, setting up a website or blog is just a matter of minutes!
4 ) By referring other members you not only have the opportunity to make some cash but also build a downline from 5 to 7 levels deep and email it every 5 to 7 days. The money is in the list, they say… Well, here is a great opportunity to build your own list almost on auto-pilot and increase your online income.
5 ) You earn cash when your referrals decide to upgrade. ViralHosts has a high commission structure that allows you to earn recurring commissions and make some extra cash. The system also pays you from 5 to 20 cents per thousand page views on your website or blog and from 5 to 20 cents per thousand from all your referrals.
6 ) If you are an upgraded member, you can email from 3,000 to 6,000 random members every 3 days! That’s 30,000 to 60,000 emails sent per month! Keep in mind that most ViralHosts members are internet marketers and alike so think of all the qualified leads you could have! You can be in profit with only one sale.
7 ) You can generate traffic to your website or blog with the text and banner ads. You simply have to purchase credits and design your ads. There are lots of different ways to generate traffic with ViralHosts… and it’s cheap and super easy! ViralHosts has the potential to become your ultimate traffic generation tool.
8 ) Even if you already have a website or a blog, the web hosting section remains valuable because you can easily get quality backlinks. You know how important inbound links are to search engines. They will help your website or blog rank better in search engines and build a strong, durable online presence.
9 ) The overall value of the system is far worth the price, especially if you get your hands on the one-time offer. For only $197 per year you get quality web hosting, a traffic generation tool, a downline builder and most importantly a system mailer that allows you to send 30,000 emails per month! That’s 53 cents per day, and you can send 360,000 emails in a year (plus all the people in your downline)!
As you can see, and we’re glad to have this feedback from our members, ViralHosts is truly a powerful web service. As an internet marketer, affiliate manager or network marketer, you must be nuts to miss out on this system! If you haven’t joined yet, register now and take full advantages of all the features and benefits.
Can you think of any other strength or benefit?
Posted in General, Product Reviews, ViralHosts | 1 Comment »
Tuesday the 13th
Thanks for using ViralHosts. We hope you are making the most of this new all-in-one web hosting, list builder and mailer system.
You may have experienced a few issues with the hosting section the last few days. Rather than just fixing the glitches, our Server Technician Tycho Luyben changed the hosting panel to a cPanel based system. Genius! ๐
This is great news because cPanel is much more advanced and has many more features than the previous hosting panel, which means better usability, functionality and support.
Before we continue with the great news, we have some important housekeeping details for you that come with this improvement…
1. You will still get access to the old system hosting panel for a few more weeks, so you can access emails you still might have received there.
2. Your files, databases, sub-domains and domains have already been transferred, so nothing to worry about in this regard.
3. Your old FTP & email accounts will not be automatically transferred, please simply setup new ones in the new cPanel.
cPanel has so many features, we don’t even know where to start. First, cPanel allows us to provide you with better support, because of the Getting Started Wizard and the instructional videos integrated in almost each section. You will be able to find lots of help pages too.
Other new features include: mailing lists, auto-installers for WordPress and many other scripts, wizards and so much more! Just take a a look at this HUGE dashboard:
cPanel is the most used hosting panel in the world. We’re still wondering how they’ve been able to include so many features in a single system… and that’s all yours with ViralHosts!
There are some features that are still switched off, and we’re ready to customize some on demand so it’s even going to get bigger and bigger!
The hosting is now more stable too. The hardware used for this new cPanel server is much more powerful, you will surely appreciate the speed and flexibility. No doubt about that!
Make sure you log in as soon as you can to check it out! ViralHosts has now nothing to envy to its competitors, not even the big ones! We’re so excited about this and we’re sure you can’t wait to tell your friends! It is time to promote ViralHosts big time again!
Did you know upgraded members (any level starting at Silver) can install WordPress in any directory with the simple click of the mouse? No joke! If you want this and many other advanced hosting features please login to your account, and click the last menu link: “Upgrade Section”.
In that section you can see the different upgrades and great features they offer. Click here to login your account!
Upgraded members also get access to 340 simple point and click templates to get your site(s) rocking and rolling in no time, so if this sounds good to you, check out the upgrade section.
Please send us your feedback. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via our help desk!
Make sure you choose the right category when submitting your ticket so we can answer it in the quickest time possible.
‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich
To your success,
Colin Klinkert, Frank Bauer & Tycho Luyben
Co-Founders of ViralHosts DOT com
P.S. – Are you a member of our other list builder service that the industry is raving about? If not, please click here to check it out!
Posted in ViralHosts Site Update | Leave Comment »
Friday the 25th
We have some more great news! ViralHosts is growing fast. We are soon reaching 6,000 active members! How good is that? Congratulations on being part of this success! If you haven’t joined yet, make sure you do so at We want to reach another milestone before we fully launch the site, but it’s just a matter of time thanks to your support.
Once again, we are sorry for the downtime the site experienced a few days ago. Our domain name got suspended but our team managed to switch it from GoDaddy to NameCheap in a record time. We apologize for all inconvenience caused.
Have you set up a site already? We would love to hear from you. Your feedback is more than welcome! Feel free to leave a comment. How about the system mailer? You know that you can email from 3,000 to 6,000 random members every 3 days! We only got good feedback so far. It is important for us to ensure that the list you send your emails to is responsive.
Referral contest
Don’t forget about the referral contest. Some members are climbing the ladder big time! At the time we write this blog post, the Top 5 member referrers are:
1. Brian Dew
2. Frank Salinas
3. Todd Gross & Mark Lareau
4. James Grandstaff
5. Kenneth Kraakstad
Great job guys! Check out the full ladder!
You can make it to the top, no doubt about that. The more members you refer, the more chances you have to make it to the top (it is as simple as that), and what you win with this contest is above the commissions earned with your referrals! Keep in mind that anyone can get a prize, you don’t need to be a big shot!
By referring other members, you earn commissions, AND the referred members go into your downline, AND the members they refer too, down to 5 to 7 levels deep! We have a range of tools that you can use to promote ViralHosts. Simply log into your account and click Promotion Section.
Training video and eBook
If you haven’t set up your site yet, check out our first training video, to set up your domain and FTP account. There are more to come.
We will also provide you with a free ebook to help you get started with ViralHosts. You will be able to rebrand it and add your affiliate link to it, offering you another effective means to promote ViralHosts. You can be sure that we’re doing our best to increase your conversion rate!
And don’t forget about the CPM earnings that you make with your site. ViralHosts pays you from 5 to 20 cents per thousand page views on your site and from 5 to 20 cents per 1,000 from all your referrals, depending on your membership level.
As you can see, there are many different ways to earn cash with ViralHosts. We hope you take full advantage of all the features the system offers! Even if you already have a site and don’t need hosting, ViralHosts remains a must-have. Why don’t you set up a site for additional inbound links? You know how important they are to search engines!
To your success,
Posted in Contest, General, News, Video | Leave Comment »
Monday the 14th
Firstly, sorry for contacting you so much more then normal, it just seems that this month is the month of great new programs…
Side Note: If you haven’t checked out our amazing new service yet, please do so now at
Introducing Sokule:
Have you ever wondered how you can make money with your Twitter posts? If you have, make sure you read this email as you’ll find the answer to this question in it. It’s called Sokule.
The people behind Sokule created an entirely new type of Social Networking Community that posts your squeeks (like tweets) on both Sokule and on Twitter. Sokule is also an affiliate site and you can earn cash every time someone upgrades under you. Check it out…
New Social Networking Community:
First, Sokule is Twitter monetized. That means instead of just posting on Twitter and getting more followers, you earn cash on Sokule when your followers upgrade – and when you see all what Sokule has to offer, upgrading is not a problem!
Sokule’s innovative affiliate program means every time anyone in your audience switches from a free account to a paid account, you earn from 30% to 50% commissions.
Here is why we think Sokule is “so cool”…
– You can do most things you can do on Twitter.
– Your squeeks are posted on Sokule and Twitter, instantly! Your friends and followers will never miss a word you say.
– Paid members are not limited to short tweets. Your squeeks can be up to a whopping 500 characters long. That’s more than enough space!
– You can add 5 live clickable links on your page! You can’t do that on Twitter, right?
– You can rotate up to 5 different bios and photos right on your post-it page to test which one works best for you.
– You can even add an extra income stream to your site, by selecting the ClickBank Module when you sign up. This will add ClickBank ads that will match the content of your site.
– You can edit your posts.
– You can track people in your own niche area and communicate with people who are interested in your products or services.
– You can post on their Sokwall. It’s like a blog but simpler to use.
You see now why we highly recommend that you check out ? ๐
To your success,
P.S. – You can become a founding member of Sokule if you get in early. Only 1500 Sokule founder positions will ever be sold. 500 are being sold during beta launch at a discounted price. These are very special positions:
You earn the highest commissions possible, you make a one time payment and never pay again… and there are many more advantages!
If you can swing it, grab one of these limited memberships today. They will be gone after launch day… so don’t miss out on!
P.P.S. – You can join their $20,000 Cash Prize Contest beginning on the official launch date (September 15th). Everything you do today counts for the contest.
Posted in Product Reviews | Leave Comment »
Friday the 11th
Have you tried our new service yet? What do you think about it? Feel free to send us your feedback. We would love to hear from you!
New All-In-One Hosting, List Builder And Mailer System provides you with highly important and tangible requirements: web hosting for your site, a list builder and mailer system and traffic! It is the perfect tool to improve your online presence.
Web Hosting
With web hosting, you can have your own site, or just a squeeze page, and look more legitimate to your existing and potential customers. Don’t believe people telling you that you don’t need a site… Of course you do, this is the Internet, right? If you already have a site, you can build extra squeeze pages, and keep in mind that you can never have enough backlinks!
List Builder and Mailer System
With the list builder and mailer system, you can increase your online revenue in no time. Your list builds itself almost on auto-pilot. We offer an email downline depth of 5 levels for our free members and up to 7 levels for our upgraded members.We don’t want to you miss out on this great opportunity to multiply your online income!
High Commission Structure
We also offer a high commission structure: 40% for free members and up to 60% for upgraded members. Imagine all the cash you could make by promoting! We provide you with a wide range of promotional tools. Simply login and click on “Promotional Section”.
1st Referral Contest
Don’t forget there’re $25,700 for grabs with the 1st Referral Contest. The Top 15 member referrers and 5 randomly picked members will win $25,700 worth of cash and prizes. Can you make it to the top of the list? Give it a shot and see how well you can do! Even if you’re not a top notch internet promoter, you still get a chance to win! How cool is that?
Feel free to contact us via our Help Desk if you have any questions, but make sure you choose the right section when submitting your ticket so we can answer it as quickly as possible: Reply2Colin
Thanks for your support!
To your success,
Posted in Contest, General, ViralHosts Site Update | 19 Comments »